Initial D: Second Stage Vol.4 [Shipping Within Japan Only]


Catalog No.: AVBA-14096
Format: DVD
Number of discs (or other units): 1
Release Date: 2001/01/24
Price: 5800yen (6380yen Tax incl.)
Item weight: 130 g
* Description

ATTENTION!!! Due to publisher restriction, this product is no longer available for any order to be shipped outside of Japan (restriction applied starting from 6PM on February 15, 2017).
We can only ship this product within Japan.
Inuyasha's Third season.


* Audio Samples
Click on Listen! icon to listen.
1. del Listen!
2. Episode 11: Fuin wa Tokihanatareta... 第11話「封印は解き放たれた・・・」 Listen!
3. Episode 12: Hachiroku VS Hachiroku Tamashi no Battle 第12話「ハチロクVSハチロク魂のバトル」 Listen!
4. Episode 13: Utsuriyuku Kisetsu no Naka de 第13話「移りゆく季節の中で」 Listen!