Kashira Moji [Initial] D Fifth Stage Vol.2 [Shipping Within Japan Only]


Catalog No.: AVBA-62173
Format: DVD
Number of discs (or other units): 1
Release Date: 2013/02/08
Price: 5800yen (6380yen Tax incl.)
Item weight: 130 g
* Description

ATTENTION!!! Due to publisher restriction, this product is no longer available for any order to be shipped outside of Japan (restriction applied starting from 6PM on February 15, 2017).
We can only ship this product within Japan.
It's the TV drama that actress Norika Fujiwara did. The pilot episode was aired on April 13 and it earned a high audience rating of 16.3%. Created with a wonderful cast and crew, it was much talked about along with the theme song 'Endless Sorrow' by Ayumi Hamasaki. This volume contains episodes 9 & 10. You can't take your eyes off the passionate love affair between 'Akari' and 'Arashi.'

6年ぶりのシリーズ最新作! 最大の山場である神奈川決戦をアニメ化!! メインキャストには1stから変更なく三木眞一郎、石塚運昇、子安武人、矢尾一樹、関智一、岩田光央という豪華キャスト! DVD第2巻。2話収録 (予定)。

* Audio Samples
Click on Listen! icon to listen.
1. 頭文字[イニシャル]D Fifth Stage Listen!
2. ACT.3 デッドライン Listen!
3. ACT.4 因縁のリベンジバトル Listen!