Drama CD (Chihiro Suzuki, Kiyoyuki Yanada, Takehito Koyasu, et al.)

Catalog No.: MACY-2210
Format: CD
Number of discs (or other units): 1
Release Date: 2004/11/27
Price: 3000yen (3300yen Tax incl.)
Item weight: 120 g
* Description

[Machine Translation] Drama CD of the popular series "SEX PISTOLS" from Super BE x BOY Comics (published by Byblos) is now on sale! Norio suddenly wakes up from being an ordinary high school student to becoming a "Madararui"! He meets an arrogant, beastly man named Madarame Kunimasa, who is also the brother of Kunimasa's brother in the U.S. In addition, Kunimasa's older brother, U.S.A., also makes an appearance. What in the world is a "Spotted Tribe" that is born with the soul of an animal? This science love fiction story about a species that wants to reproduce and those who are pushed around by it has finally been made into a drama CD! Based on the manga by popular manga artist Kotobuki Tarako. The jacket is by Kotobuki Tarako!

スーパーBE×BOYコミックス(ビブロス刊行)の人気シリーズ「SEX PISTOLS」のドラマCD発売!! ノリ夫は突然、普通の高校生から「斑類(まだらるい)」に目覚めてしまった!! そして出会ったのは傲慢きわまりない野獣系の男・斑目国政(まだらめくにまさ)。その他、国政の兄・米国も登場。動物の魂を持って生まれてくる「斑類」って一体何!? 繁殖を志す斑類とそれに振り回される者たちの、サイエンス・ラブ・フィクションがついにドラマCD化!! 原作者は人気漫画家・寿たらこ。ジャケットはもちらん寿たらこ!

* Audio Samples
Click on Listen! icon to listen.
1. 人間が…動物に見えますっ! Listen!
2. 斑目国政との出会い Listen!
3. よいこのまだらるい Listen!
4. 胸がキュウキュウ Listen!
5. 斑類の貞操観念 Listen!
6. 魂現 Listen!
7. 通じあった心 Listen!
8. 特訓 Listen!
9. SEX PISTOLS 2の予告 Listen!