Dozing Green [Regular Edition]

Dir en grey

Catalog No.: SFCD-52
Format: CD
Number of discs (or other units): 1
Release Date: 2007/10/24
Price: 1200yen (1320yen Tax incl.)
Item weight: 120 g
* Description

New single release from Dir en grey. Kyo's back eight months after the release of the band's sixth full-length album "The Marrow Of A Bone," and ready to spew out overpowering force over thick rhythms and melody. Also includes B-side "Hydra -666-" (destruction and reworking of the track "Hydra" from Dir en grey's second album "Macabre") and live performance fo the song "Agitated Screams of Maggots" from the album-buyer's commemorative live performance.

6th ALBUM「THE MARROW OF A BONE」から約8ヶ月、彼らが次に放つ「DOZING GREEN」は、京が吐き出す強い意志と重厚なリズムで織りなすメロディに彼らの変わらない信念を感じ取れる仕上がり。カップリング曲の「HYDRA -666-」は、2ndアルバム「MACABRE」で創りだした「Hydra」を、自ら破壊、再構築したことにより、彼らの姿勢を改めて窺い知ることが出来る。他にも、Dir en greyの真髄が一夜で体感できたアルバム購入者対象のライヴから、アコースティックな空間と攻撃的なパフォーマンスの「AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS」を収録。

* Audio Samples
Click on Listen! icon to listen.
2. Hydra -666- HYDRA -666- Listen!
3. Agitated Screams of Maggots (Live take at Pacifico Yokohoma on April 21, 2007) AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS (LIVE take at PACIFICO YOKOHAMA on April 21, 2007) Listen!