Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas Hades Mythology Vol.1


Catalog No.: VPXV-71059
Format: Blu-ray
Number of discs (or other units): 1
Release Date: 2009/06/24
Price: 7200yen (7920yen Tax incl.)
Item weight: 100 g
* Description

First Blu-ray release from OVA "Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas Meio Shinwa" based on Shiroi Teshirogi's hit manga serialized now on the magazine. The story depicts the previous Holy War breaking out in the 18th century, 243 years before the original "Saint Seiya." Three young children, Tenma, Aaron, and Aaron's sister Sasha have all shared a very happy childhood together. Tenma who is aggressive but has a strong sense of justice has moved to Sanctuary to become a saint. On the other hand, gentle Aaron, who loves paintings, is so vulnerable when the evil lord Hades attempts to take over his body to come back to life. Tenma eventually becomes a saint of Pegasus and reunites with Sasha who is actually the reincarnation of Goddess Athena. Tenma and Sasha engage in a crucial battle with Hades who is their precious friend and brother. . . Includes episodes 1 and 2.

新たな伝説、始動!! 秋田書店「週刊少年チャンピオン」連載中、車田正美と手代木史織による「聖闘士星矢」新シリーズが待望のOVA化!! ――18世紀イタリア。日本人の血を引くちょっと乱暴だが正義感が強いテンマと、絵を描く事が好きな心優しいアローン。性格は正反対だが二人は仲のいい友達だった。テンマは独自で小宇宙を体得、黄金聖闘士の童虎に素質を認められて、聖闘士となるべく修行に出た。アローンはそのあまりに清らかな心ゆえに、冥王ハーデスが転生するための肉体に選ばれ豹変してしまう。その事実を知ったテンマは嘆き悲しみ、強くなってアーロンを取り戻すと心に誓う。地上の平和を乱すハーデス軍に、テンマたちアテナの聖闘士はどう戦っていくのか? 第1話「約束」と第2話「ハーデス覚醒」を収録の第1巻。

* Audio Samples
Click on Listen! icon to listen.
1. 第1話「約束」 Listen!
2. 第2話「ハーデス覚醒」 Listen!