CDアルバム 限定

私の夫と結婚して [限定版] [輸入盤]


ポイント 0% (0p)
発売日 2024/04/10 発売
出荷目安 3-7日 ※出荷目安について



JAN/ISBN 8809985027741
メディア CD


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    DISC 1

    1 Lin - Play
    2 Vincent Blue - From today
    3 Card the Garden - I have no wishes left *Title
    4 Kim So-yeon - Wounds of Time *Title
    5 Kelley McRae - The Journey
    6 Rainy Season ((G)I-DLE) - Play
    7 Park Seong-il - Title of Marry My Husband
    8 Judah Earl, Jeremiah Earl - A person only I know
    9 Judah Earl - My Dad's Pocket Money
    10 Kim Ji-ae - 2nd life
    11 Jeon Se-jin - The choice of this life
    12 Kim Ji-ae - Second Chance
    13 Judah Earl - I Liked You
    14 Park Seong-il - I wanted to be the land
    15 Ryu Seung-min - A Rocking Boat
    16 Tsumugu Misugi - How to win
    17 Jeon Se-jin - I have been given a new opportunity
    18 Kim Ji-ae - Extremely Early and Lonely
    19 Habin Yoon - I am a good person
    20 Kim Hyun-do - If given another chance
    21 Park Seong-il - Good Road
    22 Judah Earl - A String of Inevitability
    23 Joran - A Happy Relationship
    24 Lim Bomi - I like everything you like too

    DISC 2

    1 Judah Earl - Pioneer of Destiny
    2 Ryu Seung-min - worst of worst
    3 Choi Yun-young - the crystal of fantasy
    4 Tsumugu Misugi - Happiness like you've never experienced before
    5 Judah Earl - Throw your enemies into the river
    6 Joran - What will happen will definitely happen
    7 Judah Earl - An Opportunity You Must Seize
    8 Kim Dong-min - The Second Lifer
    9 Han Jeong-won - Innate Gaslighting
    10 Park Hyeongjun - Nice to meet you, you bad people
    11 Joran - turning dark history into history
    12 Choi Yun-young - A fate like trash
    13 Zoran - The trash you coveted
    14 Ryu Seung-min - Dating, how do you do that?
    15 Kim Dong-min - Destiny Should Be Stolen
    16 Zoran - Easy Mode
    17 Zoran - I decided to fight
    18 Kim Hyun-do - We're like family
    19 Kim Dong-min - Sapil return to life
    20 Kim Hyun-do - You crazy people!
    21 Kim Dong-min - The hem of the gi that was given away
    22 Ryu Seung-min - Wedding Crashers
    23 Shim Hyeong-bo - Transferred Misfortune
    24 Jeon Se-jin - The man who wants to become the land
    25 Jo Eun - a good person
    26 Judah Earl - If you haven't reached the end
    27 Park Seong-il - Congratulations on your wedding
    28 Park Seong-il - Even if I am, even if I am not


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